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- What Do You Think About Our Website Interview
But, if you stick to these 7 principles when creating your next blog, ecommerce site, portfolio or business website, you’ll find creating a good website is easier than you think. But, if you stick to these 7 principles when creating your next blog, ecommerce site, portfolio or business website, you’ll find creating a good website is easier than you think. Use this list to share information you think your clients and prospects will find valuable whenever you have it. About Us Section People care about who they’re doing business with, which is why sharing your story and “why you do what you do,” can make a real difference when trying to attract business. A website (also written as web site) is a collection of web pages and related content that is identified by a common domain name and published on at least one web server.Notable examples are wikipedia.org, google.com, and amazon.com. All publicly accessible websites collectively constitute the World Wide Web.There are also private websites that can only be accessed on a private network, such.
It is important for the simple reason that when people think of your website, they will think of it by name. If your name is also your URL (ie, web address), they will automatically know where to go. For example, when people think of thesitewizard.com, they don't have to wonder what web address to type into their browser to get there.
Employers love to ask, “what do you know about our company?” in the job interview.
There are a few things they want to hear, and a few things they do *not* want to hear.
So in this article, I’m going to reveal how to give a great answer to this question… while avoiding the potential traps and mistakes that can cost you the job.
Then we’ll look at 3 sample answers for “what do you know about our company?” so you practice and come up with your own answer.
Let’s get started.
Why Interviewers Ask “What Do You Know About Our Company?”
There are a couple of reasons why employers ask this question in interviews.
The first reason is they want to make sure you did some research before applying. They don’t want someone who’s applying to 200 positions per day without even looking or caring what type of job they get.
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Why? Well, employers want someone who will be motivated and work hard in their job. And they figure if you have thought about your job search and have specific reasons for applying, then you’re more likely to really like their job.
Whereas, if you’re just applying randomly to as many jobs as you can find online, there’s a greater chance you won’t like their job… which means you might leave, lose motivation, etc.
That’s how employers see it.
So companies ALWAYS want someone who’s being careful and selective in their job search.
If you don’t know anything about their company, why did you want to interview? Or how do you know you won’t hate working for them?
So they ask, “what do you know about the company?” to see how much research and preparation you’ve done for this interview. And to impress them, you need to be ready to get specific and name facts and details you read about their company.
Now let’s look at how…
How to Answer “What Do You Know About Our Company?”
The best way to answer, “what do you know about our company?” is to name specific facts you found while researching the company that demonstrate you understand their business and got to know their organization before applying. You can name facts you discovered on the company website, social media channels, news articles and more.
Here’s an example of what a good answer will sound like. We’ll look at more sample answers later in the article, too.
“What do you know about the company” example answer:
“I read on your website that you’re one of the top data security companies in the US, and that you serve more than 40 Fortune 500 companies including some of the biggest tech companies like Microsoft and IBM. I also read a recent news article that mentioned you’re looking to expand into providing these services for financial institutions as well. Is that right? And can you tell me more about that?”
This is a great sample answer for, “what do you know about this company?” because it shows you did research and are able to name specific facts about their company. You’re also going to stand out by ending your answer with a question for the interviewer.
This turns the interview into more of a back-and-forth conversation which will help the hiring manager see you as a colleague – and someone they should hire!
What NOT to Say in Your Answer
There are a couple of things that will definitely not impress the interviewer when they ask “what do you know about our company?”
If you know absolutely nothing, it’ll kill your chances at getting the job.
If you did no research and try to lie and cover it up, it’s even worse. So make sure you actually know a few things about the company. It only takes 5 minutes of research to prepare for this question.
And finally, saying things that aren’t accurate or correct will also hurt your chances of getting hired.
It’s better to know one or two facts that you’re sure about than to walk into the interview with 10 facts and get half of them wrong.
So keep it simple and just know 2-3 basic facts about the company.
Facts to Mention When Answering This Question
I mentioned above it only takes a few minutes of good research to have a few facts you can respond with.
But what exactly should you look for, and where?
To prepare for this question, I recommend going on the company website and looking for:
- What do they sell or how do they make money?
- Who is their typical customer?
- Approximately how many employees do they have?
- When were they founded?
- Who are some of their biggest competitors, and do they do anything to differentiate themselves?
- Do they have a mission statement on the company website? What is it?
Those are just a few examples. You can research other areas of the company too. You just need a couple of facts you can respond with when they ask this question.
Just show them you read about them and know the company you’re interviewing with. That’s the goal.
Use their social media profiles to try to learn more about the company.

You might find some unique information here about recent developments, and mentioning this can help you stand out from other job seekers when you answer what you know about the company.
Search Google News for the company name.
This will help you find even more relevant, new information about the company like new projects, announcements, growth reports, and other great information you can name to show that you took the time to know their company.
Sample Interview Answers for “What Do You Know About Our Company?
Now that you know what to say, and what not to say, let’s look at more sample interview answers for when they ask what you know about their company.
We looked at one example answer earlier, but I want to give you a few more so you can be 100% confident that your own answer sounds right.
These are all good answers that would impress the interviewer. Try to come up with an answer similar to these when you prepare for your interview.
“What do you know about our company” sample answer #1:
“I know you’re one of the biggest providers of payroll software, and you were founded in 2012 when your CEO realized many small businesses spend far more than they should on payroll, which hurts their growth. The story on your website’s “about us” page was interesting, and it seems like there’s a big need for this product based on how quickly you’ve grown. I read that you doubled in size last year, and you are on track to do it again this year.”
“What do you know about our company” sample answer #2:
“I know that your company is one of the largest investment banks in the US. Your headquarters is in Raleigh, NC, and you have 25,000 employees worldwide based on what I read on your website. I’ve known about your company for a couple of years now because I’ve been working in this same industry. Your company is one of the names I think of in this industry, which is why I was excited to apply for this job when I saw it posted on your website.”
If you follow the example answers above, show them you’ve done your research and know what type of company you’re interviewing with, you’ll do fine on this question.
This is not one of the more difficult interview questions to answer, and as long as your response sounds similar to the two sample answers we just looked at, then you’ll impress the employer.
One Secret Strategy to Stand Out when Answering, “What Do You Know About the Company?”
You now know the basics of how to answer this interview question. However, there’s one tactic you can use to really make them love you when you answer this.
Here it is…
If you can compliment them or show exactly why you were excited to apply for their job and interview at their company, it’ll make your answer even better.
You’ll notice this is happening in sample answer #2 above.
When you tell a hiring manager, “Your company is one of the names I think of in this industry,” it’s a huge compliment.
It’s going to make them feel proud about working for this company, and it’s going to reassure them that you’ll be motivated and work hard in this job!
There are 5 major things that hiring managers look for in interviews, and one of the biggest is: How badly do you want this job?
Most job seekers think about proving they can do the job. But employers won’t hire you unless you also prove you want the job.
Employers are TERRIFIED of hiring someone who quits after a few months, doesn’t try hard, brings a toxic attitude, etc… even if you have the necessary experience.
Don’t give a compliment that isn’t true, though…
If you’re talking to a bank with fewer than 150 employees and you tell them they’re one of the biggest names you know in banking, they’re going to think you’re crazy.
There are a lot of ways to compliment a company, so pick one that’s true. It doesn’t have to be their size. You can say, “I know somebody who used to work here, and they had great things to say about your company culture and how you support your employees.”
You could compliment them for being well-known in the local community if that’s true. You can compliment them on their rapid growth if they’re a small firm but growing fast (You’d discover this type of info by searching the company on Google News, etc.)
It all comes back to showing you’ve done research and are really excited to be talking to this company. That’s how to get them excited to talk to you!
If you follow the steps and sample answers above, you’ll have a winning answer for, “what do you know about our company?”
Answering “What Do You Know About Our Company” – Quick Instructions
- Pick two or three specific facts about the company that you can tell the interviewer
- You can research facts on the company website, social media profiles, or by searching the company name in Google News
- Keep your answer short and concise; it’s better to name two facts that you know extremely well than to mention five or six facts that aren’t 100% accurate
- Consider ending your answer with a question directed back at the interviewer. This will turn the interview into a more relaxed, back-and-forth conversation
- Never say that you aren’t sure or don’t know anything about the company. This will get you rejected in the interview
- Try to compliment the company when answering what you know about them. You can do this by naming something they’re well-known or well-respected for
- Practice your answer; nothing comes out perfect the first time
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What makes a good website? At Tech.co, we’ve spoken to experts in website design to help answer this question, and give you the best chance of success with your own website.
The verdict: Great websites literally require users to think less. They do this by ensuring they understand and meet their users’ needs in a clear, easy and efficient way.
With this in mind, one top piece of advice would be to sketch out your website before you start making or updating it. Consider how users are going to get around your site, from the homepage to every other page.
There are also standard principles at the heart of good website design. These include making sure your site works on computers, mobile phones and tablets, and ensuring consistency of visual elements, including your fonts and images.
Spotting a bad website is easy, but working out what makes a website good can be something of an enigma. While a bad website will have a confusing page structure, with a cluttered layout and low quality information, the essential elements of a good website are harder to spot and isolate.
If you're looking to build your own website, you'll need the right tool for the job. Check out our website builder comparison table for our expert ratings.
7 Must Haves for a Great Website
Now, there’s no silver bullet for creating a great website. But, if you stick to these 7 principles when creating your next blog, ecommerce site, portfolio or business website, you’ll find creating a good website is easier than you think.
- Clear purpose – Make sure you know what your site is for, and importantly, not for
- Clear audience – Identify who your site is aimed at. Do you know what your audience looks like? What they enjoy? Do for work? How old they are? What other sites they use? All of this information, and more, is crucial for building the best website.
- Straightforward navigation – Is it easy to work out how you get around your site?
- The right style – Your site should be unique and distinctive, whilst still appealing to your users
- High quality imagery – If your images aren’t good, your site won’t look good, either
- The right fonts – Make sure your font matches the general style, and is legible
- The right words – Your site can look amazing, but if none of the words make sense, design won’t matter
Bonus: How to make your own great website – Get started with creating your own online masterpiece today
1. Clear Purpose
It’s absolutely essential that when you’re building your own website, you understand exactly what your site is going to do. For example, if you’re looking to create a site to sell products, selling products should be your absolute priority. With every decision you make, you should ask yourself – is this going to help users buy my products?
A great example of a site (well, an app, really) that understood its purpose was Snapchat. Its purpose was to facilitate fun, irreverent visual communications between 15-20 year olds. And, Snapchat’s initial design made it clear that it was designed to let kids share photos and videos, with a big, simple camera button to take your own photos and an easy-to-navigate way of accessing the content your friends had sent to you.
Then, Snapchat became obsessed with a new purpose – to monetize its platform. It relegated the stories and images sent by actual users in favor of sponsored content, from publishers such as Vice and the Washington Post. Cue immediate backlash and a drop in its user base, which it’s never recovered from. The moral of the story: Always remember your site or web app’s primary purpose if you want to be successful.
2. Clear Audience
Identifying who is going to be using your site is also crucial to building a good website. If you can understand what sort of people are going to be visiting your site, reading your blog posts, buying your products, or taking a look through your previous work, then you can build the site to suit them.

Establishing what your audience looks like is easier than you might think. Start off with good old common sense. For example, if you are selling artisan soap, then your target audience isn’t going to be 15-20 year-olds, like Snapchat’s was. Instead, your users might be 30-50 year-olds with more disposable income to spend on soap.
The best way to create these personas, especially if you’re just starting out, is to research your market.
- Look at other websites similar to yours: Is there another soap company you’d like to emulate – Burt’s Bees, for example? If so, find out what kind of people visit Burt’s Bees.
- Survey your users, or target users, to find out who they are and what they’re really like.
- Talk to family and friends about your site, and its competitors, and the impressions they give.
- If you’ve already made some sales, or have an existing readership, then you may have data about your website’s current audience. You can access this through tools like your payment platform, or Google Analytics.
Armed with this information, you can adjust your content to either match the needs of your existing audience, or attract a new one.
Do they want to buy fancy soap quickly and move on? Is price more or less important to them than ingredients? Do they only buy from brands they have an affinity with? Might they even want to have a repeat soap order? Now you’ll know.
3. Straightforward Navigation
Once you’ve established the purpose of your site and your target audience, you can create a site structure and navigation to make it as easy as possible for this audience to get around (and fulfil the site’s purpose).
Remember we said that the best websites literally don’t require users to think? Site structure plays a huge role in reducing the cognitive effort needed to get from page A to page B.
A good example of a website that gets its navigation spot on is Virgin Atlantic. As soon as the page loads, you’re greeted with a route selector. Once you’ve picked your route, amending the flight options and booking can take fewer than 15 clicks. It’s remarkably simple.
By contrast, try cancelling your Amazon account. There’s no way to close your account from the My Account section, and even on the Contact Us pages; the process isn’t made clear.
Both of these are intentional: Virgin Atlantic wants to make booking flights as easy as possible. Amazon, on the other hand, wants to make closing your account as difficult as possible. So, when creating your site, you need to make it as easy as possible for users to get to the main bits of the site you want them to see – whether that’s buying a product, making an appointment, or sending you an email.
Here at Tech.co, we recommend using website builders to create your own website. The best website builders make it easy to create a navigable site structure, with different page categories and subsections.
4. The Right Style
Mr. Porter offers a clean, fuss-free website style, designed to showcase the high-quality, luxury products it sells, and the service it delivers.
How Do You Think Websites Make Money
Oi Polloi, on the other hand, offers a different proposition – it offers a friendlier face, sure, but it still might feel intimidating to those not familiar with the brand. Oi Polloi’s site is less aloof than Mr. Porter’s, but at the same time, it is specifically designed with an ‘in-crowd’ in mind.
It’s also worth keeping an eye on general web design trends. For example, scrolling textures and ‘flat’ elements are great design styles to keep your website looking fresh in 2021, as well as making it easier to use.
In general, you should avoid design styles based around skeuomorphism.
Skeuomorphic design refers to objects that are designed to mimic the style of real things, whilst offering a different function. For example, the site below mimics a notepad and paper calendar for its reservation booking section. Neither of these elements are mobile-friendly, and they can make your website seem kitsch, which could put off some users.
5. High Quality Imagery
Once you’ve got your site’s general design nailed down, you can move on to the individual design components.
All the best websites feature images, and whether it’s to showcase products they’re selling, create a certain mood, or illustrate something else, they need to be high quality.
Blurry images, or an overreliance on joyless stock images, will make a website seem amateurish. Instead, you should pick a style and stick to it. Take a look at the images on Apple’s site. They are all clear images that reflect the brand, and are targeted towards the users of that specific product.
For example, the MacBook Air’s page features images on a light-colored background to emphasize that the device is light and transportable. The Mac Mini, on the other hand, uses darker, moodier images to reinforce that it’s a powerful device for professionals.
You'll also want to know the best practices for keeping your website disability friendly for those with vision impairments, from alt tags to strong color contrasts.
6. The Right Fonts
A typeface might seem relatively inconsequential. However, users spend most of their time on a website reading (or at least scanning) text, meaning it’s an essential part of the website you want to create.
Wired and the Guardian, for example, both use serif fonts (the ones with the little lines on the end of each letter) to emphasize that they are serious publishing businesses, with an established presence and serious journalistic weight. However, Wired, drops the serif fonts in its headings and standfirsts. Why? To make the biggest impression on the page. Sans-serif fonts are typically more attention-grabbing and easier to read.
The Verge, on the other hand, sticks to sans-serif fonts throughout. This is probably because it publishes a range of stories – including sub-300 word news articles, all the way through to 2,000+ longreads – and it needs a font which works for them all. Sans-serif fonts also seem more modern, with cleaner, less cluttered designs.
When building your site, you should try out different font styles to find the right one. Remember to always keep your site’s purpose and users in mind. Opting for unusual, heavily stylized fonts is fine for brand names, but you don’t want long paragraphs of text in cursive style fonts.
7. The Right Words
So, you’ve picked your design, you’ve got your images sorted, and you’ve found the right font (or fonts). Now you need to fill your site with the right words.
Again, users and purpose are at the forefront of any copy you craft for your site. You’ll want to make sure it’s engaging, easy to read, and has a consistent tone. If one page on your website is written in the style of a Buzzfeed listicle and the next page written like a legal contract, your users will be confused and turned off by your site.
Make sure your copy is to-the-point and clear. If you’re selling products, give your users the information they need to know about the product. If you’re trying to drum up customers for your business, consider getting testimonials from other customers, and being clear about the service your business provides.
What Do You Think About This Website Article
Whatever you’re doing, your copy should point users to an action without overdoing it – whether that’s buying a product, making an appointment, or enquiring about a service.
Make Your Own Great Website
Big Think Website
If all of the above sounds complicated and intimidating, it shouldn’t. Millions of people create and manage their own websites using website builders, such as Wix and Squarespace.
Website builders make it super easy to create well-designed websites with templates, drag-and-drop editors, and plenty of tools and plugins for extra features.
Some website builders, including Wix, can even create the basis of a website for you with their artificial design intelligence services. Squarespace, on the other hand, makes managing your site structure a piece of cake, and offers some of the best professional-looking website templates on the market.
Best Cheap Website Builder 2021
We compare the leading website builders on price, value for money, feature sets and more to find the perfect site builder.
How Much Does a Website Cost?
How much does it cost to create a website with a commissioned designer or a DIY site builder? We dispel the myths.
Easy Website Builders for Beginners – a 2021 Guide
We run down the best seven website builders for beginners based on our extensive and independent testing.
What Do You Think About Our Website Interview
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