Special Masters Programs Medicine

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Master’s and Certificate Programs at the Perelman School of Medicine

Applications are now being accepted for admission to the Special Master's Program in Physiology for academic year 2021–22. Though applicants' academic potential is important, we employ a holistic and inclusive admissions process; more than half of our applicants who met our recommended criteria were admitted to the program last cycle. 10 Ways to Benefits From Doing a Specialized Masters Program Before Applying to Medical School. An SMP will allow you to: 1. Gain additional science coursework. Since these programs are science-based, you will spend the year – or two – immersed in science courses.

COVID-19 Update: Please refer to your individual academic program for details on the Fall 2020 term.

  1. HMS offers two types of master’s degrees: a Master of Academic Discipline and a Master of Medical Sciences (MMSc). The Master of Academic Discipline degree requires the completion of 36 credits of didactic and scholarly work, including a 4-credit capstone project.
  2. If you are interested in pursuing an advanced degree in one of the basic science departments, we offer the following master’s degree programs: Master of Science in Biomedical Sciences Master of Science in Medical Microbiology and Immunology Master of Science in Medical Sciences.

MBE is an interdisciplinary degree offered by the Department of Medical Ethics & Health Policy at the University of Pennsylvania. The MBE degree program gives students broad exposure to the full range of topics and issues in contemporary bioethics, drawing on the expertise of our distinguished faculty and fellows.

The MBMI is a two-year, in-person degree designed to help practicing clinicians become biomedical informaticians. Through a combination of coursework and a capstone project, students will become proficient in informatics methods and clinical applications. The program’s curriculum draws upon the key competencies identified in the American Medical Informatics Association’s 2017 guidelines, which identify the skills and knowledge that informatics practitioners need to set themselves apart in a rapidly developing field. Students who complete the program will be prepared to sit for the Clinical Informatics Subspecialty Board Examination, or to pursue other formal certification in clinical informatics.

The Master of Health Care Innovation from the Department of Medical Ethics and Health Policy is an online degree program that addresses the rapidly changing health care landscape and advances innovation among health care professionals worldwide. Through their coursework and program experiences, students will prepare to improve processes of care, increase value of health care services, shape health policy development and human behavior in health care, and apply sharpened skills in policy analysis, evidence-building, and decision-making. 6th grade practice.

The MHQS is an interprofessional master’s program that aims to identify and train the next generation of leaders in healthcare quality and safety. Through a combination of coursework, a capstone QI project, and a mentorship team, MHQS graduates are poised to pursue a wide variety of careers in healthcare quality leadership.

MSME aims to identify and train the next generation of biomedical ethicists. It combines intensive didactics, mentoring, and independent scholarly research.

The MSCE is an excellent training program for those preparing to lead clinical research. Through the program's dedicated faculty mentorship, comprehensive curriculum, study protocol and thesis development, trainees are poised for academic research careers.

The University of Pennsylvania MSGC program provides a comprehensive educational environment for future genetic counselors that balances the importance of patient-focused care, scientific knowledge, research, and innovative technology. With an outstanding faculty and access to clinical opportunities at some of the nation's premier healthcare facilities, we prepare students to be successful genetic counseling professionals in the rapidly evolving field of genetics. The 21-month, full-time program is accredited by the ACGC.

Master of Science in Health Policy Research (MSHP)

The MSHP program trains outstanding investigators to conduct health policy and health services research and prepares students for successful careers in academics, research, and policy.

The MPH program prepares health leaders by integrating research, education, and practice to promote health and prevent disease. The program's interdisciplinary model provides professionals with a public health lens that can be applied to current and future work. The program is accredited by the Council on Education for Public Health.

The MRA program aims to produce a cadre of highly trained and sophisticated practice professionals adept in the skills necessary to maximize compliance and minimize risk in the development of FDA-regulated products. Students will learn both the foundation and application of science-based clinical investigation and the corresponding regulations.

The MSRS program trains students to improve capacity for safety and efficacy evaluations and monitoring of candidate and licensed FDA-regulated products, modernize current regulatory pathways, and develop new regulatory pathways where there are currently none. The MSRS provides trainees with instruction in the fundamental skills, methodology, and principles necessary to become a well-trained investigator positioned for a future career as a successful academic researcher.

Master of Science in Translational Research (MSTR)

The MSTR program provides trainees with a strong foundation in the fundamental techniques of translational research and the knowledge to apply contemporary research tools to clinically relevant areas of investigation. The goal of the MSTR program is to produce clinical researchers who are competitive in seeking research support and who are knowledgeable about the complex issues associated with conducting sound translational research.


The CAMPEP-accredited Medical Physics Graduate Programs (Master of Science in Medical Physics and Certificate in Medical Physics) train future leaders for careers in medical physics specialties such as radiation therapy, diagnostic imaging, nuclear medicine, and health physics. The multidisciplinary programs integrate knowledge across the university by giving students a strong foundation in translational research while preparing them for world-class cancer care in the field of medical physics.

Perelman School of Medicine (PSOM) Master's and Certificate Programs (MaC)

All master's and certificate programs within the PSOM report to the Dean and the Executive Vice Dean and Chief Scientific Officer through the Associate Dean of Master’s and Certificate Programs (MaC), Emma Meagher, MD. MaC enables programs to pursue their goals within the university environment by providing academic administrative support, serving as a liaison to the university, enabling collaborations amongst programs and between schools, ensuring periodic review of established programs, and supporting the development of new programs.

Special Masters Programs Medicine

Contact Information

Mailing Address:

PSOM Master's and Certificate Programs
Perelman School of Medicine
University of Pennsylvania
8046 Maloney Bldg
3400 Spruce Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6110

Phone: 215-662-7151


Individual Contacts:

Emma A. Meagher, MD
Professor, Medicine and Systems Pharmacology & Translational Therapeutics
Associate Dean, PSOM Master's and Certificate Programs
Rachel McGarrigle, MSEd

Kathryn Brossa, MSEd
Associate Director

David Corbin
Program Coordinator

You’ve completed your undergraduate degree and are looking forward to attending medical school, but are looking for a way to set your application apart. If you have a strong undergrad science GPA, pursuing an SMP can be a fantastic way to do just that.

There are currently more than 75 different science-based SMPs nationwide. There are two different types of SMPs: one-year programs and two-year programs. The one-year programs offer a strong science foundation, while the two-year programs include a research project thesis and/or literature review. Some of these programs are located on grad school campuses while others are offered through med schools themselves. Students attending programs affiliated with med schools take classes with the med students. The advantage of this arrangement is that the credit you earn towards your Master’s Degree may also be used to satisfy some of your med school requirements.

Any coursework that you complete as part of an SMP will be calculated separately on your AMCAS application, as part of your graduate coursework GPA. If your undergrad GPA needs that improvement, an SMP may not be the way for you to go. Look into postbaccalaureate coursework instead.

10 Ways to Benefits From Doing a Specialized Masters Program Before Applying to Medical School

An SMP will allow you to:


1. Gain additional science coursework.

Since these programs are science-based, you will spend the year – or two – immersed in science courses. You will have the chance to increase your knowledge of some subject areas, and possibly get a higher grade than you did in your undergrad class. New and different courses will also be available to you, thereby broadening your science base.

2. Access valuable mentors.

Your SMP professors will be able to help guide you to where your talents most lie. Never thought about research? This may be where you shine. Classes will be smaller than most college lectures, which will give you the opportunity to form relationships with your professors. Their letters of recommendation can be very influential on your med school app. Your professors want you to succeed.

Masters Degree In Medicine

3. Demonstrate that you can excel at the graduate level.

Excelling in your SMP will show the med school adcoms that you have the ability to conquer the demanding science courses in med school. Often the courses that you take will be the same as first-year med school courses, and sometimes with med students. This will give you a chance to take these courses without the additional pressure of med school, and see how you fare.

Special Masters Programs Medical School

4. Gain expertise in the area of your interest that may inform and guide your long-term career goals.

Being able to take additional courses in your area of interest can cement your plan to pursue this in med school and in your career as a physician. Interested in pediatric oncology? A two-year SMP can give you the time to do a research project or literature review of the subject. The material that you learn can help you become a better clinician.

5. Earn an additional credential.

Having a Master’s Degree can help your application stand out from the others. It boosts you in terms of life experience and clinical experience. It shows the adcoms that you have motivation, and can show additional research experience. Taking the time to pursue an SMP shows that you have a passion for medicine.

6. Network with other students, medical students, researchers, professors, and other experts in the field.

We all know that building a strong professional network can lead to limitless opportunities. Take time to get to know others in your classes, your professors and others – and let them get to know you. Often a well-placed word from the right person can open doors you thought were closed to you. You never know who the right person might be, so always be well prepared, friendly and offer assistance to others.

7. Gain the opportunity to request current letters of recommendations from graduate or medical school faculty.

This is connected to benefit #6. Speed dial browser. Giving your professors the opportunity to get to know you, your work ethic, and passion for medicine can lead them to write letters of recommendation that will truly impress the adcoms. Volunteer to work in their labs or on research projects. Ask intelligent questions during class. Find creative ways to make yourself stand out and your letters of recommendation will do the same.

8. Conduct an independent research project at a university, hospital, or medical center.

Doing a research project at a medical facility will allow you to have hands-on experience in this environment instead of a sterile academic environment. You will also have access to possible mentors or others who can guide you in your path to a medical career. Candidates to write your letters of recommendation also abound in these settings.

9. Demonstrate and establish your expertise through poster presentations, abstracts and journal presentations.

Emphasize the role you played in your research project. Any opportunity you have to prove your importance in the project is a positive for you. Having your name appear as a participant in a research project is very important and will make you stand out.

Special Masters Programs Aamc

10. Gain valuable life experience and confidence.

Pursuing an SMP will directly enhance your ability to guide patients towards the best resources and most current information available. Taking extra science courses, participating in a research project, and networking will all give you these life experiences and increase your confidence in your abilities as a future physician. Use your time inside and outside the classroom wisely, and this can be one of the best decisions of your academic career.

An SMP can help you become a more competitive med school applicant in a number of ways. It can set your application apart by highlighting a graduate-level GPA, as well as showing that you’ve had the guidance and endorsement of a mentor. Furthermore, it informs the direction of your career and provides resources and learning opportunities that will result in a year or two of intense self-development and professional achievement.

Do you have questions about how an SMP (or other post-graduate work) may improve your medical school candidacy? Work one-on-one with an expert med school advisor when you purchase our Admissions Consulting Services – build your profile, boost your competitiveness, get ACCEPTED!

Alicia McNease Nimonkar worked for 5 years as the Student Advisor & Director at the UC Davis School of Medicine's postbac program where she both evaluated applications and advised students applying successfully to med school and other health professional programs. She has served Accepted's clients since 2012 with roughly a 90% success rate. She has a Master of Arts in Composition and Rhetoric as well as Literature. Want Alicia to help you get Accepted? Click here to get in touch!

Special Masters Programs Medicine

Related Resources:

Special Masters Programs List

• Fitting In and Standing Out, a free guide
• Assess Your Qualifications for Medical School
• How Your Academic Statistics Should Influence Your Medical School Choices