Diablo 2 Blessed Aim


  1. Diablo 2 Blessed Aim Merc
  2. Diablo 2 Blessed Hammer Aiming
  3. Diablo 2 Might
  4. Diablo 2 Blessed Aim Aura
  5. Diablo 2 Prayer
  • Description: Increases damage dealt by party members.

  • Required Level: 1

  • Required Skills: None

Radius (yards)13.314.61617.318.62021.322.62425.326.62829.330.63233.334.63637.338.64041.342.64445.346.64849.350.652
Damage +%405060708090100110122134146158170182194206220234248262276290306322338354370386404422


Jan 06, 2010 Description Blessed Aim increases the attack rating of both the Paladin and his party members. The uses for such an increase are often very small, especially since Blessed Aim does not offer any damage bonus or similar. Blessed Aim is very seldom, if ever, used. The Blessed Aim merc is especially useful to the Shock Ranger should you fail to find a weapon that shoots fire, explosive, or magical arrows (these special arrows have the side effect of always hitting) since you'll be using Holy Shock as your main aura and use Normal Attack to shoot arrows, you'll suffer from serious Attack Rating problems rather quickly. Also when facing Lightning Immune/Lightning. Buy Diablo 2 (D2) gold, items and accounts from reputable D2 sellers via G2G.com secure marketplace. Cheap, safe and 24/7. Offense (Hell): Blessed Aim - Delivery. Offense (Normal): Blessed Aim Offense (Nightmare): Might Offense (Hell): Blessed Aim. Tips about Act 2 Hirings: Act 2 hiring with Prayer Aura and Insight Runeword: For Act 2 hirings 75 level and up, their Prayer Aura is level 18, which heals 21 life very 2 seconds. When equipped with Insight runeword, it heals 42 life very 2 seconds. Getting a Blessed Aim Mercenary. This increases your percentile AR bonus and may be a very good idea. Most of the other mercenaries are no good to us anyway. Using the Angelic Amulet and 2 Angelic Rings.

  • Description: Periodically does Fire damage to nearby enemies.

  • Required Level: 1

  • Required Skills: Might [1]

Fire Damage1-31.2-3.21.5-3.51.7-3.72-42.2-4.22.5-4.52.7-4.73.7-5.74.7-6.75.7-7.76.7-8.77.7-9.78.7-10.79.7-11.710.7-12.714.5-16.518.2-20.222-2425.7-27.729.5-31.533.2-35.240.2-42.247.2-49.254.2-56.261.2-63.268.2-70.275.2-77.284-8692.7-94.7
Fire Damage Added To Attack3-93-94-105-116-126-127-138-1411-1714-2017-2320-2623-2926-3229-3532-3843-4954-6066-7277-8388-9499-105120-126141-147162-168183-189204-210225-231252-258278-284

Diablo 2 Blessed Aim Merc

Radius (yards): 6

Holy Fire Receives Bonuses From:

  • Resist Fire: +20% Fire Damage Per Level

  • Salvation: +20% Fire Damage Per Level

  • Blessed Aim: +20% Fire Damage Per Level


  • Description: Enemies take damage when they cause melee damage to party members.

  • Required Level: 6

  • Required Skills: None

Radius (yards)13.314.61617.318.62021.322.62425.326.62829.330.63233.334.63637.338.64041.342.64445.346.64849.350.652
Damage Return +%250300350400450500550600650700750800850900950100010501100115012001250130013501400145015001550160016501700


  • Description: Increases Attack Rating.

  • Required Level: 12

  • Required Skills: Might [1]

Radius (yards)13.314.61617.318.62021.322.62425.326.62829.330.63233.334.63637.338.64041.342.64445.346.64849.350.652
Attack +%758595105115125135145155165175185195205215225235245255265275285295305315325335345355365
Passive Bonus Attack +%102030405060708090100110120130140150160170180190200210225230240250260270280290300


  • Description: Reduces the chance that your attacks will be interrupted.

  • Required Level: 18

  • Required Skills: Might [1], Blessed Aim [12]

Uninterrupt Chance: 20%
Radius (yards)13.314.61617.318.62021.322.62425.326.62829.330.63233.334.63637.338.94041.342.64445.346.64849.350.652
Damage +%60708090100110120130140150160170180190200210220230240250260270280290300310320330340350
Attack Rating+%25293337414549535761656973778185899397101105109113117121125129133137141


  • Description: Periodically slows enemies nearby.

  • Required Level: 18

  • Required Skills: Might [1], Holy Fire [6]

Slowed By %303437404244454648484950515152535353545454555555555656565656
Cold Damage2-32-33-43-44-54-55-65-66-77-88-99-1010-1111-1212-1313-1415-1616-1718-1919-2021-2222-2325-2627-2830-3132-3335-3637-3841-4244-55
Cold Damage Added To Attack20-3025-3530-4035-4540-5045-5550-6055-6565-7575-8585-9595-105105-115115-125125-135135-145150-160165-175180-190195-205210-220225-235250-260275-285300-310325-335350-360375-385410-420445-455

Radius (yards): 8

Holy Freeze Receives Bonuses From:


  • Description: Periodically does Lightning damage to enemies within a radius.

  • Required Level: 24

  • Required Skills: Might [1], Holy Fire [6], Holy Freeze [18]

Lightning Damage1-101-131-161-191-221-251-281-311-351-391-431-471-511-551-591-631-681-731-781-831-881-931-991-1061-1121-1191-1251-1321-1401-148
Lightning Damage Added To Attack1-1201-1561-1921-2281-2641-3001-3361-3721-4201-4681-5161-5641-6121-6601-7081-7561-8161-8761-9361-9961-10561-11161-11941-12721-13501-14281-15061-15841-16801-1776

Radius (yards): 8

Holy Shock Receives Bonuses From:

  • Resist Lightning: +8% Lightning Damage Per Level

  • Salvation: +8% Lightning Damage Per Level

  • Blessed Aim: +8% Lightning Damage Per Level


Diablo 2 Blessed Hammer Aiming

  • Description: When Active, Aura damages the nearby enemy with magic and provides bonus magic damage to attacks. When active, attacks ignore undead monster's resistances.

  • Required Level: 24

  • Required Skills: Might [1], Holy Fire [6], Thorns [6], Holy Freeze [18]

Radius (yards)
Aura Magic Damage4-86-118-1311-1513-1715-2017-2220-2424-2624-2926-3129-3331-3533-3835-4038-4240-4543-4846-5049-5346-5049-5352-5655-5958-6261-6564-6867-7171-7576-80
Bonus Magic Damage to Attacks26-5340-6753-8067-9480-10794-120107-134120-147134-161147-174161-188174-201188-215201-228215-241228-255245-272262-288278-305295-322279-303294-318312-336330-354348-372366-390384-408402-426429-453456-480

Sanctuary Receives Bonuses From:

  • Might: +6% Magic Damage Per Level

  • Blessed Aim: +6% Magic Damage Per Level

  • Thorns: +6% Magic Damage Per Level


  • Description: Increases your Attack Rate and Attack Rating. Increases damage for all party members.

  • Required Level: 30

  • Required Skills: Might [1], Blessed Aim [12], Concentration [18]

  • NOTE: Values presently displayed here (and in the tooltip) below level 20 do not seem to be accurate.

Diablo 2 Might

Radius (Yards)7.388.69.31010.611.31212.613.31414.615.31616.617.31818.619.32020.621.32222.623.32424.625.32626.6
Party Damage +%253342505967768493101110118127135144152161169178186195203212220229237246254263271
Your Damage +%506784101118135152169186203220237254271288305322339356373390407424441458475492509526543
Attack Speed +%141820232526272829303131323333343434343535353636363637373737
Attack +%404550556065707580859095100105110115120125130135140145150155160165170175180185


Diablo 2 Blessed Aim Aura

  • Description: Reduces enemy Defense and the Resistances of monsters.

  • Required Level: 30

  • Required Skills: Might [1], Thorns [6], Holy Fire [6], Holy Freeze [18], Sanctuary [24]

Radius (yards): 13.3
Defense -%192733384245485052545657586060626263636465656667676768686969
Maximum Resist -%121416182022242628303234363840424446485052545658606264666870

Diablo 2 Prayer

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