Intensive English 1home



Intensive English 1homeIntensive English 1home

1Home Box is a plug & play solution that your customers can install on their own by connecting power and network. Schedule a remote setup session and take it from there. Improve customer experience and cut costs at the same time. The Intensive 35 course is the fastest way for students to improve their English skills, regardless of their starting level. The course consists of 20 lessons of general English, 7 lessons of structured study, and 8 lessons of elective English each week.

Intensive English Course For Adults

The goals of Basic Level 1 are to build learners’ basic skills in listening, speaking, reading and writing as well as provide them with basic cultural orientation that equips them with survival skills for the most essential contexts of every day life. Upon completion of this level, students will be able to understand and participate in casual conversations in practical scenarios such as ordering food, running everyday errands, going to the doctor, interviewing for a job and more. Students will acquire basic reading and writing skills in order to read and retell stories and write short passages. Students will also learn how to express and ask about personal information, past events, upcoming plans and directions. Additionally, students will have a thorough understanding of basic language patterns and grammar structures. Practice will include simulating daily interaction experiences, delivering presentations on simple topics and understanding main ideas of short stories, dialogues and comprehensive videos.